Hi from Bangkok!

My jet lagged self in a local Starbucks - where they have wifi; woohoo!

Hi lovelies! Just wanted to give you a sign of life from the other side of the world. So far we're loving it here, as we already knew from previous trips. Today the jet lag (ok, and those huge Caipirinha's) kicked in, so we spent it being totally lazy at the hotel. Can be so nice and essential to have a day of absolutely nothing every once in a while, don't you think? So far internet possibilities have been a bit limited but I'm working on a nice Bangkok post as we speak. Speaking of internet; Twitter is blocked here, so I'm trying to keep you guys updated by posting via Twitpic that luckily does work! :)
For more, also follow me on: Bloglovin'Fashiolista and Twitter!

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